Saturday, April 23, 2011

Right Now

When it's over, I want to say: All my life, I was a bride married to amazement. I was the bridegroom, taking the world into my arms."
--Mary Oliver

I want to go through my day, present and aware. I want to listen to the spaces between the words.  The short sigh before a breath. The pause and glance that punctuate a thought. I want to revel in shadows cast by the light, drink in the color of water, feel the thumping bass of music in my chest, the light touch of a friend on my shoulder.

Going through the steps of each day - waking, eating, working, sleeping and glossing over the details, can be a comfort when the chaos and pressures of life are relentless. Yet it is not sustainable, this robotic march. It is the details of life that make it worthwhile, distinguishable from any other life.

So, in spite of the gray sky and threat of snow this morning, I'll take in the sharpness of the cold, feel the pull in my muscles, relish the heat of coffee in my belly. and be present.

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