Sunday, February 28, 2010


Bibimbap. Comfort. Savory. Spicy. Sour.


Cold weather. Leftovers. Sticky rice. Chopsticks.

Bibimbap is the ultimate comfort food in my house. It's one of the few Korean dishes my children enjoy and look forward to. I fear their palates have been dulled by a northern Vermont diet as well as my penchant for eating seasonally and locally. It is with great relief that they welcome this dish during our snowy winters and cold spring months.

So, here is my Hapa/Vermont version:

  • Steamed brown rice
  • Cabbage sauteed in a bit of oil and salt, set aside in a bowl with a cover
  • Spinach and onions sauteed in sesame oil and tossed with sesame seeds, set aside in bowl with cabbage
  • Mushrooms sauteed in a bit of oil and a splash of tamari, set aside in bowl with cabbage and spinach
  • Leftover meat sauteed in a ginger-y, onion-y, garlicky, tamari/white wine based sauce sweetened with brown sugar and spiced with chilis and sesame seeds.
  • Optional: Fried egg
Use one pan, wiping with cloth between uses is necessary, and one bowl with cover to keep each vegetable hot. After heating leftover, marinated meat, fill a bowl with hot steamed brown rice and top with each dish, adding optional fried egg at the very end. Add a bit of kimchee or pickled vegetable for those who like it.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

NYC Memories- Part II

February 24, 2010:
Our wide eyes take in dinosaurs that pose alongside masterpieces, flashing metal roaring under the ground, beggars and music line the streets and we part freely with our silver. We relish the last of our late nights, eating cheesecake and ice cream, watching cartoons and pharaohs, giggling under the covers until sleep takes us.

Monday, February 22, 2010

NYC Memories

February 22, 2010:
Fast walks in the shadow of skyscrapers, languages from all over the world ringing in our ears and light-filled nights dodging taxis.