Thursday, November 20, 2008


Last night's low hovered around 10F. Today's high might hit 25F. Snow in the forecast too.

Wish i had planted those spring bulbs last week...

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Best Damn Supper...ever.

Tonight, I had venison tenderloin seared to a medium rare in bacon fat, onions and winter greens. Add a pile of boiled purple potatoes seasoned with salt, pepper and butter with a glass of tasty yet inexpensive red wine. Absolute heaven.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Tigers and Lions and Bears...Oh My!

Crazy how quiet the village is lately. Hardly a car goes down the road, the local stores are noticeably empty and the usual burr of the locals is silent.

That said, there is tangible excitement in the air. The men are more ancy, looking dapper in brown camoflauge and bright orange stocking caps. The shelves are suddenly full with convenient foods like macaroni and cheese, beef jerky and Pabst Blue Ribbon beer. Several families are missing from town altogether because they've taken vacation time and every church on every corner is volleying to feed you breakfast this weekend. The next two days, school lets out early under the pretense that it's "Parent Teacher Conferences", but everyone knows that isn't the real reason. It's impossible to get my furnace fixed right now and never mind having anymore wood delivered before's a two week holiday in the Northeast Kingdom and the little things in life will just need to be put on hold until hunting season is over.